Two thousand and eleven, you served a purpose on occasion. It's ended nicely. Haste Makes Waste. I'll leave you with my favourite song I've heard all year... so fitting...Happy New Year
Three days of exceptional food, ginger beer, wine, whiskey, coffee, pudding, gifts, friends and family. Now awaits me an evening of T.Rex and hopefully a good nights sleep. God Jul.
Season's Greetings. Here's some re-worked old hat. Don't forget to celebrate Festivus tomorrow...I shall be doing so with ginger beer. Goodwill to all men an that...
Sorry for the lack of illustration...I'll hop to it. Went gift shopping today and managed to get my paws on some gold. Including four films I've been aching to watch, an amazingly beautiful collection of Ryan Adams & The Cardinals photography...and a Johnny Cash induced comic. That's my hibernation sorted.
Fun filled/pretty chilled. Including a highly illegal Chris Isaak mix, aptly entitled Ultimate Isaak, courtesy of Danny. Also maple donuts, Ginger Joe beer, Johnny Suede and an obscure illustration of George Harrison. I give you Bloodshot Soda Pop
I got my Duck Gyoza fix and only the finest chocolate biscuit cake in The Egg would suffice. Check out my 12 year old sister's hand-written font on my card...also another amazing gift from Danny. I truly can't wait to watch it. Thought I'd treat myself to some time keeping also. So yeah, yesterday killed.
What better way to start my 25th birthday by attempting to draw Audrey you know why I never draw girls. I did her cardigan justice though...
Just another typical night in with Danny...who kindly gave me a copy of Hard Ground, featuring the poetry of Tom Waits. The Milk will add to my collection of course...and Danny's Peaks odyssey was complete with Fire Walk With Me. I leave you with some fine fine Bolan...